THM - Advent of Cyber [Day 9]

Today’s task is all about packet analysis. Being able to diagnose network issues via packet analyzation is an invaluable skill for IT professionals. For attackers, if there is any data traveling over a network via insecure protocols (ie HHTP instead of HTTPS), that could be caught by a packet sniffer like Wireshark, and credentials could be leaked.


Wireshark uses Berkeley Packet Filter syntax to filter packets. Below are some examples of the filters we can use and what they do.

ip.addr == only packets from address
http contains google.comreturns only http packets from
tcp.port == 3389returns all tcp packets from port 3389 (which is RDPs port)
not [filter]will negate the filter
http.request.method == GETreturns all http Get requests
udp.port == 53 or dnsreturns all DNS packets
repsonse QUERY_ID A example.comreturns response to the DNS query. You can find the QUERY_ID by investigating the packet and finding the Transaction ID
tcp.port == 21 or ftpreturns all ftp packets.

More Information

You can double click on any packet to get more information on a given packet. You can follow the http stream by right clicking the http request, selecting follow and then http steam. This can give a good look at what the user was doing and if there was an telnet session or ftp session it will list all the commands that they typed in plain text. There really isn’t much to this room, you can get the answers by typing in the right filter and looking around a little bit. Still good information and practice with an invaluable IT skill though.

wireshark running and searching for http post requests
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